I am fascinated by the unique ability of genetic variations to drive complex diseases. What are the causal chains of events that link genetic changes to phenotypic consequences? As a computational genomics scientist, I develop statistical methods, design computational algorithms and implement them in software to integrate and analyze large-scale genomics data, with an ultimate goal of understanding the regulatory mechanism of complex diseases.
I am passionate about all things data science and biology. I like to read about machine learning, parallel computing, physics and chemistry. I often discuss history and politics with friends and strangers.
Here are a dozen fun facts about myself:
- I write with fountain pens.
- I did my Masters in chemistry, PhD in computational biophysics / statistical mechanics and postdoctoral research in statistical genetics.
- In 2013, I co-founded a marketing management startup called Beejig, which became profitable in 8 months. We deployed our marketing solution for Lakme India salons in Bangalore. I prefered to pursue my PhD when I had to choose either one of them.
- I love taking photos but my skills aren’t as good as my taste.
- I curated award-winning logos, and designed the branding for a few startups.
- I love playing Terra Mystica and participate in the global tournament.
- I consulted the design and development of the iOS app Isle of Miles.
- I like arthouse, cult, classic, experimental and rare movies from all over the world. My favorite film directors are Satyajit Ray, Ashgar Farhadi and Michael Haneke.
- My vacation plans usually involve biking or hiking.
- Green and maroon are my favorite colors – they also represent my favorite football team MohunBagan A.C.
- In Fantasy Premier League, my team achieved a global rank of 1854 in 2014-15.
- Before I die, I want to see the Earth from space.
I think I’m a friendly human, so if you ever want to talk to me don’t hesitate to say hello on twitter, via email or in person.